Agronomic solutions

for the development of crop production technologies

We are an Argentine company dedicated to providing advisory, research and development services for agriculture

Formed by a solid team of specialized professionals with great trajectory. AGREDES has a network of experimental and commercial lots throughout the northwest region, where we have irrigation and machinery to carry out reliable field trials and tests.

This enhances our virtue of generating safe and reliable information and interacting with clients and producers in the search for viable agronomic solutions for the development of production technologies in different crops.





Action area

The region presents a very wide environmental variability, which is why different crops are produced, which require the development of technologies to provide solutions for emerging problems.

This is how Agredes was founded in order to develop solutions through seriousness, innovation, reliability and discipline from the union of specialists in different areas.

Experience supports us

More than 8 years working in research and development in agriculture for international and national companies, with published scientific works, in national and international magazines and conferences, also providing assistance and support in technical development.


We are supported by numerous multinational companies in the agro-industrial sector


Research and development at all stages

(Herbicides, Fungicides, Insecticides, Biologics, Fertilizers, Curasemillas, adjuvants, etc)

  • Efficiency in the field, laboratory and controlled conditions
  • Selectivity
  • Characterization of resistance
  • Proof of concept
  • Screening dose

Project management and development

  • Study, direction and planning for the development of technologies in the commercial stages
  • Market analysis for the development of technologies in specialties
  • Management, conduction and development of marketing strategies to generate specific demand
  • Workshops and technical trainings

Demonstrative test

  • Producer-scale research
  • Positioning
  • Demoplot exhibition
  • Field days

Sowing and seed production

  • Small increments of lines
  • Experimental production service
  • Top cross
  • Regulated materials testing
  • Nursery
  • Production of experimental seed
  • Comparative tests

Ing. Luciano Devani

Partner director

Phone / Whatsapp

+54 381 362 4029

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